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Lower Interest Rate or Lower Price? What's Better?
@natale_realtors Is it better to have a lower interest rate or pay a lower price? With the real…

Sellers are Watching You!
@natale_realtors Sellers are watching you. Should they have to disclose? There’s no doubt it’s happening. Sellers are almost…

Level up for 2023
@natale_realtors To stay in business, agents and their leaders will need to level up for 2023. Transactions will…

Going out of Business?
@natale_realtors A lot of companies in the real estate industry will go out of business It’s sad that…

Why Haven't Prices Fallen Yet?
@natale_realtors Why haven’t prices fallen yet? For our area, we are seeing the price appreciation halt, however we…

Next Natale Masterclass - October 27th, 2022
@natale_realtors Our Next Natale Masterclass - Negotiating Our masterclass series has been a big hit for our agents.…

The Best Agents will Thrive in 2023
@natale_realtors The Best Agents Will Thrive A lot of agents don’t have the skills or the leadership in…

What if Rates Keep Going Up?
@natale_realtors This won’t end well if rates keep going up Well home prices will go down big time,…

When People are Scared, They Don't Move
@natale_realtors When people are scared, they don’t move. Analysis Paralysis. It’s a common “disease" where people fear making…