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✨ Dream Home Delivered ✨📍100 Lighthouse Drive, Waretown NJ 💼Sold by: Charles J ReidCharles expertly guided his clients…

Now versus 2008 in One Chart
@johncnatale 2008 versus now looks completely different ♬ Good Day - Nappy Roots 2008 versus now looks completely different.

When Should I Buy A Home?
@natale_realtors When should I buy a Home? Here’s when you should do it. #natalerealtors #realestate #realestateagent #fyp #realtok #realestatetips…

Negatives as a Realtor
@johncnatale The positives far outweigh the negatives whether debating a career in real estate. However that doesn’t mean…

What’s the Average New Construction Cost?
@natale_realtors Building a home in our area has gotten extremely expensive. I remember early in my career the…

Positives as a Realtor
@johncnatale This may be a bit biased, however a career in real estate is one of the most…

Be a Better Realtor
@johncnatale If you want to start being a better realtor, the advice is pretty simple. Start buying more…

100% Commission on Personal Business
@johncnatale We make the investment in our agents to buy homes in our community. We give 100% of…

Successfully Sold in Holmdel!
✨ Successfully Sold in Holmdel ✨📍 5 Dearborn Drive💼 Sold by: John C. Natale Jr.John successfully sold this…